As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, one of my current reads is The Resolution for Women, written by Priscilla Shirer. One of the topics that I recently read revolved around self-esteem and how we perceive ourselves as women. Many of us–let’s say the majority of us–struggle so much with understanding our self-worth and viewing ourselves the way He views us–as prized possessions that are invaluable. I reflected on this topic and realized that even with the utmost level of confidence, I too am guilty of failing to love myself how He loves me and believing that just by simply being me, I am enough.

There’s so much pressure placed on us these days to be “it”–whatever “it” is. We’re supposed to be strong and assertive, yet passive and dainty. We’re supposed to have careers and be independent, yet be able to raise 3 kids, a dog, and let’s be honest…a husband too! As a single black woman living with a disability, I feel the utmost pressure to be able to handle all that life throws at me on my own. I should be able to work 50+ hours without a problem. I should be able to come home after a 12-hour work day and make dinner. I should be able to clean up dinner, straighten up the house, and walk the dog. Really? I mean really? Even though there isn’t a single person setting this expectation for me, I feel like it’s self-spoken. There’s this simple idea that if you’re unable to handle it all, you’re weak.


As strong as we women are, I think we all suffer the risk of burning out when we work our hardest to be “it”–especially women with Lupus. To the world, you are 100% capable of meeting all expectations. You confidently walk into a room and shut things down! You lovingly provide guidance to those closest to you in your life. You willingly give of your time to serve others. You tirelessly make all efforts to present yourself as an image of what the world around you deems as beautiful. And through it all, your interior pains, writhes, and yearns for reprieve. When is enoughenough?

I’ve spent my entire life struggling with feeling like I was wasn’t enough. I always had to get the highest grades in school–I literally would break down in tears if I received an A on an assignment, as opposed to an A+. I had to be the best daughter–God forbid I do anything to upset her…the world would end. I had to be the best role model for my brothers–with the absence of a father, they needed me to help guide them to success. I had to be the best teacher–my students have to be the best that they can be and I have to get them there. I had to be an image of beauty–wigs, heels, and make-up will give me what I need to be taken seriously as a black girl trying to make it in America.

I am finally beginning to see that while all of these extras are nice, Joe, just Joe, in all of my glory, is enough! It’s enough that I tried my best and received the grade that I deserved. It’s enough that I make all efforts to make my mother proud, but have slip-ups every so often. We work through them together and ultimately strengthen our relationship! It’s enough that my brothers see my flaws–they will learn to appreciate similar ones in their wives to be. It’s enough that my student grew one reading level instead of two–let’s celebrate growth man!  And yes, it’s enough for me to walk outside without make-up, my hair undone, dark spots and stretch marks visible–bare for all to see.

Just like me, you are enough! You are uniquely and wonderfully made–created in his image to do amazing things! You are a workmanship who is experiencing your own beautiful season–intentionally  being molded into an even better you! Embrace yourself knowing that you don’t have to be “it”– you, just you, in all of your glory, are enough!


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If you know anyone suffering with Lupus and/or any other “Invisible Disease”, please feel free to share with them directly!


19 responses to “Enough…”

  1. […] Enough……..Many of us–let’s say the majority of us–struggle so much with understanding our self-worth and viewing ourselves the way He views us–as prized possessions that are invaluable. I reflected on this topic and realized that even with the utmost level of confidence, I too am guilty of failing to love myself how He loves me and believing that just by simply being me, I am enough… finally beginning to see that while all of these extras are nice, Joe, just Joe, in all of my glory, is enough! It’s enough that I tried my best and received the grade that I deserved. It’s enough that I make all efforts but have slip-ups every so often….by Joezette at […]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for linking and reading!!


  2. Lupus is so challenging – I had a close friend years ago who had it – she was a powerhouse though, and it looks like you are, too. Good for you for creating this blog! And thanks for the follow. Take care!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, I’m trying!!💪🏾 And you’re welcome–keep in touch!


  3. Amazing post, it touched my deepest vibes and I identified with it all. Thanks for taking your time to think about it and write about it.
    Thanks for your positivity and thanks for your follow on my blog. Just thought it necessary to come back and thank you. Take care of yourself and God bless. Good luck with everything 👏😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it❤️ I’m so glad to hear that my words spoke to you. Thank you again for your well wishes and keep in touch! I look forward to reading your future posts! God bless🙏🏾

      Liked by 1 person

  4. […] feel pretty confident about my Enough… post…the message really hits home for […]

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Such a wonderful post!! It is true what you say about expectations. I think we all have been deluded into thinking we should and can have it all. Making the right choices as to what is the most important is one of the wisest things we can do for ourselves. Sometimes those inner voices we listen to are a little crazy, aren’t they??

    Loved your About Statement! Thanks for visiting and following my blog. I will look forward to your new posts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awe thank you so much for your kind words! You’re so right about those voices. It’s important that we ignore them and walk in our promise! Thank you for reading and I look forward to reading your future posts!!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Great read! Most times I find that I am my worst enemy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can unfortunately relate! We are our worst critics. We have to change our mindset though. When you are able to acknowledge it, you can change it for good! Positive thinking!😌❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  7. abeautifulintellect77 Avatar

    Beautiful post, I, too have felt this way and it is encouraging to know that there are other women who persevere as well. All the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Yes, you’re right! It’s an everyday struggle, but it’s important that we encourage one another☺️ thank you for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Dearest Joezette:
    You are indeed everything that God needs you to be.
    The hard part is surrendering when you are tired – to allow Him to be responsible for the work that He does in the world.
    Until you rest, those you serve have no reason to grasp His hand directly. They seek Him through you.
    Only one ever had the strength to suffer that burden, and no one should ever have to do that again.
    Yours in Christ,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are absolutely right Brian! It isn’t until we let go, can he do his work in us. His grace and mercy is what sustains me on this journey… xoxo Joe

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I think all that matters is being happy with yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree! I also think it can be challenging to do so when you feel like there’s always something else to obtain or accomplish. Happiness within is definitely most important though!


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