Hi everyone! It’s been quite some time and it feels amazing sitting here to share some encouraging words with you! Over the past few months, I have focused on getting acclimated to a new job, a new schedule, and the re-prioritization of my physical, emotional, and mental health. Thankfully, the lupus symptoms have been minimal and I have been successfully maintaining my health. In spite of how well things have been going, I’ve found myself struggling with this strong internal desire to make some minor changes to my life. I’m not sure whether or not these changes are meant to be, but I’m willing to step out of my comfort zone and make the most out of what’s out there for me…

At this time, I’m pretty certain that the majority of people who read this will be, if not already, impacted in some way by the outbreak of coronavirus. This sudden and unexpectedly abrupt outbreak has caused each of us to adapt to a new way of living. I personally have not left my house in over three weeks and experience a daily longing to feel the sun against my face–which is honestly surprising considering how I usually avoid it at all costs! I have also been working from home, more involved in church, and spending a significantly great amount of time chatting through Zoom, FaceTime, and other virtual communication platforms.

Now, while I have been keeping myself busy each day, I’ve also been yearning to address a word that I’ve long avoided–I mean, for years! This single word has crippled me for longer than I’d care to admit, both physically and mentally. I remember ignoring my heart’s desires and believing lies that “I can’t” or “That won’t work out for me.” Each of these manifestations of fear has manipulated their way into my life and in one way or another, immobilized me in my journey for greatness.

The average person might look at me and define my greatness by my accolades or my (few) material possessions. I, on the other hand, define my greatness, first and foremost by the fact that I am a child of God and therefore destined for greatness–as we ALL are! But I also define my greatness in my ability to entirely ignore the lies and feelings of fear that intend to cripple and prevent me from accomplishing all that God has placed me on this Earth to do. With that being said, I committed to letting go of fear in 2020 and stepping into everything that’s destined for me!

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love makeup and have always said that if I could do it for a living, I totally would! Well, I am not planning on quitting my day job and jumping right into cosmetology, however, I am taking a step and putting myself out there by sharing my talents with the public through Instagram and Youtube–I know, crazy! My intent isn’t to make my pages your typical “beauty blogs”, but to make them an extension of my everyday life–similar to this blog. I want them to be spaces where I can share my experience with all aspects of physical, mental, and emotional wellness…cosmetology and skincare being one of them.

This is ENTIRELY new and scary for me BUT as mentioned, I refuse to let fear cripple me any longer. It feels so refreshing to let go of expectations and take the small steps needed to simply share my world with others–all with hopes that it will inspire someone to share their greatness with the world as well! Maybe there’s something that you’ve desired for quite some time, but fear has [literally] held you captive, preventing you from taking that first step. Well, today I challenge you! Create the possibilities…you have nothing to lose! Seriously, if I can do it, anyone can!

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If you know anyone suffering from Lupus and/or any other “Invisible Disease”, please feel free to share with them directly!

Copyright ©2020 Joezette Joseph. All Rights Reserved.

6 responses to “Share Your Greatness!”

  1. Your words are inspiring 🙂


    1. Awe thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words💞

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What wonderful words.I admire your courage,strength,and fearless self. Thank you for sharing this with us ❤️. I wish you the best in every dream. God never makes mistakes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amen!! It’s definitely nerve wrecking but you never know if you never try right! Be well!❤️


  3. Your post is inspiring. I like how you spoke about making changes. Thank you for sharing your post.


    1. Thank you for reading!!❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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